Centracare Redwood Hospital
Newly Constructed Medical Center Provides Wide Range Of Services
The CentraCare Redwood Hospital is a brand new hospital in rural Minnesota. It is a combination of three different health care providers combined into one; CentraCare, Redwood Falls and Rice Memorial. This allows patients to take advantage of a rich interprofessional network and receive an exceptional level of care.
This facility has 26 observation beds, ORs, LDR/Mother-Baby to Orthopedics. It is a critical access hospital with a trauma center, and provides a wide range of care options to Southwestern Minnesota.
Hunt's Role In The Redwood Hospital Project
Hunt is providing electrical construction and design-assist services to help equip this facility with sate-of-the-art medical technology.
We worked with design team and owner to provide a more cost-efficient lighting package that didn’t sacrifice function or appearance.