Enbridge Hawthorne Pump Station
Enbridge has launched several projects to improve the integrity of their system and increase their pumping capacity. Hunt Electric was part of a team charged to fast track this new greenfield pumping station. Construction began with only 60% construction drawings and we worked with the engineer to fill the gaps in the drawings until we were able to get a complete drawing set. Some “on the fly” changes to this job included doing a complete build out of the electrical and VFD buildings instead of the buildings coming pre-assembled. Because of our strong in-house manpower position, we were able to easily add to our crew on short notice, and do this without adding any additional time to the schedule. The project also included a new substation, pumphouse, and DRA skid.
In order to work at an Enbridge site, Hunt Electric employees go through extensive safety orientation, are enrolled in a DOT required drug and alcohol program, and sometimes are required to be operator qualified in demonstrating skills and training when working near active pipelines.