Confidential Data Center
Hunt Electric is proud to have been awarded the electrical construction of this one million square foot data center project by an innovator of social media platforms. To aid in the speed and quality of production, dedicated, offsite, prefabrication and storage facilities were constructed within 5 miles of the jobsite. Lean prefabrication techniques, detailed computer aided design (C.A.D.) and building information modeling (B.I.M.) enabled our team to manufacture with precision, many different types of electrical assemblies. Larger assemblies and temporary power skids were built at our main prefabrication center in Bloomington, MN. Assemblies were shipped to site utilizing “Just in time” delivery techniques to reduce jobsite congestion. An extensive quality control program was implemented on the project to ensure the production was built to meet the highest standards. Our team of on site safety professionals worked tirelessly to create a strong safety culture and ensure not only our trades, but all trades on the project worked safely.
- Mission Critical
- LEED Design